UniWiz’s TOP 10 study tips to help you through university
Do you feel like you need to find a better way to study? Maybe try different ways of studying to help you concentrate? UniWiz is here to help you with some different study tips and reminders on how to help keep you focused.
1. Space out your studying – The best way for you to retain knowledge is to study over several short periods of times. It also helps to change location of where you are studying whether it be the desk in your dorm room or the library. Spacing out and changing location helps to keep you focused and improve your concentration.
2. Stay organised – One of the most important study tips is to stay organised. Use a calendar or diary to note down what you are going to study and when. You will then be able to make sure that you are using your time effectively and getting the most out of your studying time.
3. Use colours and pictures – Different colours and pictures relating to your study material helps to boost your memory when it comes to writing essays or in exams. You want to make sure that when you’re sat in your exam you can easily recall information from your notes and colours/pictures are the best way to reimagine that!
4. STOP MULTITASKING – Do one thing at a time, focus on one subject or bit or material at a time. Also remove any distractions around you, like your phone! This will help you to stay focused and you can always reward yourself with a little phone time after you have finished the task you have set yourself.
5. Make sure you stay hydrated and sleeping – By being hydrated and sleeping well, you can improve you performance and concentration while reducing stress! Nothing worse than staring at a textbook for hours and not being able to take any of it in!
6. Reading and re-reading your books and notes isn’t enough – As this is something you have already read, you won’t be able to take in and store the knowledge you need. Instead try and test yourself or create a diagram/picture to help you remember the information.
7. Mistakes happen, but learn from them – You won’t get everything right when you are studying, but don’t be hard on yourself. Use your mistakes as lessons to learn from. Make sure if there is an area that you are struggling with you focus time in studying to improve this and find a way to help you remember the material!
8. Don’t procrastinate! – The worst thing you can do is put of writing an essay or leaving your studying until the last minute. Nothing will make you feel worse in your health than the added stress, lack of sleep and lack of food/drink because you are worrying about trying to get your essay done or cramming in studying before your exam. Learn to plan and remove distractions around you.
9. Figure out your distractions – You need to know what takes you away from studying. This could be your phone, an untidy room or even your friends. Your phone can easily distract you, as you think only 5 minutes and next thing you know an hour has passed. No time is better to clean your room when you have a pile of books to look through, right? Make sure you space and head is clear before you start. You may find that working alone is better than studying with a group of friends. Make a list of distractions and make sure these aren’t around while you are studying!
10. Take breaks – Working from 9am to 9pm studying is not going to help you at all. You will be trying to retain too much information and everything will blur into one and you won’t remember what you need to! Make sure you take breaks, for example once you have finished a topic reward yourself with a small walk or a snack to help you break up your studying throughout the day. Don’t burn out because you’re trying to cram everything in.
We hope that our study tips help you. Good luck, you’ve got this!